May 10, 2022 Customer journey , keyword selection , content SEO , internal measures , SEO measures
Hello. I'm taking care of me.
Today we will talk about keywords
This is a word to enter
when searching on Yahoo! or Google The most important thing here is how to choose the keyword.
For example, suppose you have a cold water company that I run.
And launched
However, it is not very famous because it has just been launched.
For cold water, I order SEO for my lifestyle design.
For an idiot cold water here, " I want you to take SEO measures with the keyword" hyaamiii "! ! ! ! ! ! ! ] .
I think that
everyone who is reading it feels like a cold water Even if you take measures with the unnamed brand name "HYAAMIII", it is not known in the world, so there is no one who searches.
What you need here is a solid target setting and keyword survey tool.
"HYAAMIIII" targets women in their twenties who prefer casual and slightly mode clothes .
That means that these women must first recognize the words that they are likely to search .
For example,
"women's clothing",
"casual 20s women",
"fashionable clothes brand mail order"
, etc.
One new knowledge here.
These four keywords, which are now presented,
are classified into two types.
(1) "Clothing" ... Big word
search is a keyword with many searches. As a merit,
you can cover a wide range of keywords. There are various things such as
"male clothes", "women's clothes", "maternity clothes", and "super cheap clothes" in "clothes" The disadvantage is that it is too wide to narrow down the target and purpose.
there are various purposes, whether you are examining the history of clothes, wanting to buy clothes, or checking your clothes brands
② "Women's clothes", "Casual 20s Women's clothes", "Fashionable clothes brand mail order"
... Middle words, small words
( the longer the complex word, the more called "long tail word" to some extent and the target and target It is a keyword.
The disadvantage is that the search volume is lower than the big word.
However, because the purpose and target are narrowed, the advantage is that it is easy to attract users.
"HYAAMIIIi" operates not only brand sites but also online shop sites, the keyword "fashionable clothes brand mail order" may be perfect.
As for how to use it, it is effective for the big word to be branding (cognition), and
the long tail word is aimed at conversion (achievement).
Speaking of "clothes", HYAAMIII! "People who want to buy stylish clothes" guide
HyaAmiii online shops! It is like a shape.
Up to this point, let's do our best to make use of the marketing data and knowledge (laughs)
, and the data on the assumed keywords
are required (search volume) how much they are searched (search volume)
Let's use Google's and Yahoo!!
(Some are registered or paid.)
・ Google Keyword Tool (for AdWords, but very helpful)
Targeting/Explorer? = Keyword_ideas / Yahoo! Promotional Advertising Advice Tool ( This is required)
https: //login.bizmanager. Cojp dadVicetool %3F
The search volume of Google and Yahoo! is slightly different.
It would be safer to
use both to check the more accurate search volume of a word However, occasionally, there are keywords that do not have a volume on Yahoo! on Google, so
in that case it seems that you can calculate the number of Google x 2.
As I mentioned earlier, even if there is a search volume in the big word,
the purpose and target are extensive, so
to achieve the results of the site may be better. yeah.
However, for branding,
the big word is effective if it is for the purpose of cognition of services and products itself
In addition, the top page of the site can be used as a big keyword, and
the lower page of the site can be used as a long tail keyword .
In this way, you need to consider keywords by strategy.
Let's consider the keyword after deciding what is the purpose and goals of the site
Thank you again next time.