[SEO ranking drop] If you find a suspicious link, you can apply for a negative application.
May 12, 2022 Links , technical SEO , penalty , external measures , SEO measures
Are you suspicious of your site?
Do you have an experience of running a website, such as "The ranking has dropped suddenly!" When the ranking doesn't go up, you'll check if there is a copy content and if the content is bad. However, if it does not apply, it may be that the backlink may have affected the ranking drop. This time, I would like to explain how to check the external link and how to deal with the linked link due to a drop in ranking.
Let's check the external link
To find a suspicious link
Before applying for a denial, let's first check the external link status of the website.
Points to find a suspicious link
・Is there a lot of links from the same anchor text
? The link may remain ...
・Is it a linked anchor text that has nothing to do with the site
Check out the links you don't know.
・Is it not linked from a site that has nothing to do with your site
Let's actually visit the site of the backlink source and check it.
Be careful of these and find a site that seems to be suspicious.
Let's investigate-Web Master Tools
Web Master Tool
1. Access to the webmaster tool
2. Search traffic on the dashboard → Click the link to the site
3. Links of the largest number of links → click the details
4. Download other sample links
5. Total number of links 5. Total number Check out the suspicious site
Even if you do not fly to the URL, you can see the contents of the site by bringing the cursor to the domain with the web master tool. So let's find a suspicious site.
Let's investigate-Majestic SEO
Majestic Seo
* Majestic SEO is a free and paid tool. Some of the links that can be checked in the free version are partial.
1. Access to Majestic
2. Enter the URL you want to check
3. Switch to root domain search and
see the anchor text
If you display the URL anchor text item you want to check according to the procedure, look for a suspicious backlink.
What if you find a suspicious link?
You can eliminate negative elements by applying for denial
You can remove (disable) the linked link that has a negative effect on the website. This is called a denial application.
In fact, Google also states that you can request a denial for the unable to delete.
Quoted below from Google
If there is a malicious link or low quality link with intent to manipulate Pagerank that cannot be deleted, you can deny the link.
In other words, when evaluating the site on Google, you can ask not to take a specific link into consideration.
References: Renewal of Google backlink
However, be careful to apply for a denial ...
Once you apply for a denial, you can visit the site of the linked link and check if the administrator can remove the link, regardless of whether the link that seems to be suspicious is intentional. Let's do it. This is because I would like you to understand the recognition application as a last resort because it has a strong force.
If you use it incorrectly, it will affect the site performance in Google's search results. Therefore, it also leads to the risk of accidentally denying high -quality links. There is nothing better to remove the link in a natural way, so we recommend that you contact the administrator of the linked link before applying for a denial.
Let's apply for denial
Create a denial list
After finishing the suspicious backlink, list the URLs in the text file.
If you want to deny the whole domain, add "Domain:" in front of the target domain, such as "domain: example.com". Please note that each of them is one domain or 1URL per line.
Let's actually apply for a denial.
The denial application is part of the function of the webmaster tool, but there are no main menu items, so let's fly to this link.
1. Access to the denial page of the link
2. Select the corresponding URL
3. Click the link to the link
4. Select a file
In the above procedure, you can apply for a denial if you select and upload the text file of the denial list created earlier. It may take a few days for the denial application to reach Google and actually be denied, so be patient.
Check if you have denied
After executing the denial application, make sure you have completed it. Open the message item on the menu of the webmaster tool.
http: //www.xxx.com/: Disavowed Links Updated
If the message of "Disavowed Links Updated" arrives, the denial application is completed.
If the ranking of the website you operate is not good, check the backlink status and look for a suspicious link. The effects of malicious links are one of the factors in the decline, but a series of acts to check the link status and apply for a denial if necessary is important because it is important for operating a website. Please do it by all means.
SEO STYLE takes measures for sites that have been penalized for rescue SEO and for sites that may take you.
>>> For more information, please see the Rescue SEO page.